5 ways to leverage technology to sustain company culture.

Business tips
Ryan Gibbons

To optimize your chances for maximum success, employee happiness, and customer engagement, your company needs a vibrant, compelling culture that all stakeholders can embrace. But just how do you go about creating and sustaining an ethos where mutual commitment, respect, and a shared purpose thrive? As you will see, some of the best solutions rely on technology.

1. Provide ongoing training that is informative, flexible, and fun.

In the past, on-boarding new employees and educating existing ones required complex scheduling and a lot of hours spent in coordination. These days, employee management tools help you quickly create schedules that work for everyone and can be changed at a moment’s notice. Moreover, you can offer online training modules that workers can complete independently at their own pace, resulting in lower stress and better retention for people of all learning styles.

Technology can even make training fun. Include creative games and competitive quizzes that keep everyone engaged and eager to excel, and learning will be virtually painless.

2. Improve communication.

When everyone is in touch and kept in the loop, your overarching company culture will benefit. Technology can help by offering options that let workers collaborate in real time no matter where they may be working. Furthermore, virtual tools maximize staff’s ability to interact with customers in order to provide top-shelf service. Not only does this make buyers happy, but it also gives staff a way to provide exceptional customer care that then boosts morale and inspires positive growth.

3. Keep morale high.

Technology gives workers numerous ways to be heard and appreciated. For one thing, it can be used to provide forums for actionable feedback and dialogue between workers and management. The result will be employees who feel important and respected. Tech also gives you numerous ways to encourage and recognize the accomplishments of your best and most promising staff members.

4. Enhance employees’ physical and mental health.

Putting the well-being of workers at the top of your priority list elevates your overall company culture. Shared apps and online challenges can boost everyone’s fitness level, get everyone moving with step competitions, and even help with weight loss and self-image. In addition, you can foster everyone’s mental health by providing access to online therapy and mindfulness programs to reduce stress.

5. Improve customer experience.

When buyers feel kinship with your brand and your workers, they send glowing reviews and additional potential shoppers your way. One of the easiest and most effective things you can do to enhance everyone’s shopping journeys is to incorporate mobile card readers into your point of sale system’s payment structure. Once established, they allow you to complete purchases from anywhere with maximum speed, flexibility, and security. Because they are fully integrated with your POS, you can instantly update inventory counts and create an electronic record of the purchase that can be retrieved with just a few clicks. In short, happy buyers lead to satisfied staff, higher profits, and a boost to your entire company outlook.

When your culture is dynamic, vibrant, and collaborative, its light will shine into every corner of your business. It will also reach out to your investors and customers, enabling your compelling brand identity and message to flow into the world. Harness the efficiency and broad scope of technology to foster this culture, and you will be amazed at the results.