How to Achieve Great Marketing Content

Brooke Tajer

 With the constant increase of consumer intelligence and the now-more-than-ever-before availability for customers to search for anything online, SEO has become quite an essential key in small businesses being found. So, in order to be found by potential customers, businesses need to make sure that they are not only able to be found by consumers, but that, once found, they are able to turn site visitors into returning customers. The following are tips business owners can follow to ensure their content marketing is working as a benefit.

1. Research. There are numerous and various ways to market your business. Take some time and look up what has worked for other businesses like yours. Note methods that seem to be successful, as well as those that don’t and you should avoid. Also pay attention to key words and tools that seem to generate popularity on the web. Through your research you should gain a better understanding of where to begin and what you are striving to accomplish. Once you know what you goal is, you are better able to attain it. Also take note of which social media sites are currently the most popular and producing the most traffic. Determine where the current trends lie.

2. Create a Schedule. In order for marketing to be successful, it must be organized. It might be helpful to create a calendar to keep track of the time you spend each month for the development of content and strategies, and the conduction of basic research. Keeping track of what you do and when you do it will not only keep you accountable to working on your marketing, but it will also show you areas where you could use improvement or simply need to dedicate more time. Knowing that your development time is already scheduled in for a certain day will also alleviate the stress and constant questioning of if you’re doing enough in the marketing section of your business.

3. Utilize Your Case Studies. Take advantage of the amazing work you have already accomplished. Consolidate your information and post your case studies on your site. Customers will feel more secure using your services knowing your previous work ethic, and the case studies will prove your business to be a tried-and-true establishment.

4. Incorporate Images and Videos. Enhance your text with images that pertain to the content at hand. People are drawn to photos. Make your posts more visually appealing through the use of interesting pictures and even videos if able. Product videos and customer testimonials can also be used on your website, both of which have been proven to strengthen customers’ faith in one’s business.

5. Reuse Your Previous Content. Many business owners stress about always needing to find the new, hottest topic. Sometimes all the best tools are right in front of you. Or behind you, rather; use your previous posts to create something new. Whether if it’s just a new view on an old topic or a visual slideshow on some previous notes, feel free to use the genius ideas you already have stored away.

6. Send out Surveys. Connect with your customers and learn more about them and the best way to advertise to them through surveys. Find out more about your audiences’ likes and what they hope to see more of. You may need to provide incentives at first, such as gift cards or chances of winning a grand price.