How to use creative holiday retail displays to drive sales for your small business

Business tips
Ryan Gibbons

Taking the time to adorn your store with holiday product displays can bring numerous advantages to your shop. It helps to set a festive mood, lets customers know exactly what you are featuring, and presents an inviting picture that can lead to increased interest, foot traffic, and eventual sales. 

But just how do you go about putting up compelling product displays?

Solidify your infrastructure.

Before you get your creative juices flowing, however, evaluate your systems and procedures. Ensure that your POS for retail stores is up-to-date, and that you and your staff are well-versed in its use.

If you haven’t run recent training on fostering a security-oriented culture throughout your operations, now is the time. Focus on helping employees to spot fraud red flags, emphasize the importance of strong passwords, and bring home the fact that you and other managers are always available if questions arise.

Plan ahead.

With your infrastructure ready, it’s time to prepare for the display and the products it supports. Use your POS to track your inventory to ensure that you will not run out of crucial display components or the merchandise they advertise. 

Give yourself enough time to order what you need and to design displays that help generate that all-important buzz.

Use lighting.

Even if your display is cardboard, don’t be shy about incorporating some illumination. Lights help to attract the eye and can be real conversation starters.

Focus on compelling color combinations.

When constructing your displays, remember that colors truly are important. 

Combinations that are compatible with the look of your logo while also reflecting the mood of the season can focus attention on products while helping to subconsciously cement a deeper sense of brand loyalty.

Combine product and holiday-related images.

When shoppers gaze into your windows, they will be drawn in by displays that show how the products you are focusing on will integrate into their celebrations. Don’t be shy about using traditional images such as holly bushes, mistletoe, and snow motifs in which your featured products hold a prominent place. 

Potential buyers will notice that you spent time crafting this festive tableau and may walk in to take a closer look. Once they have set foot in your store, you and your staff can draw them in even closer with your unique combination of customer service and product expertise.

Appeal to nostalgia.

The holiday season taps into people’s love of traditions and memories. 

Your displays can connect with your customers on the deepest level, suggesting ways for them to make their current celebrations reverberate with their happy visions from the past.

Choose corrugated cardboard displays.

These are customizable, light, and affordable. Best of all, you can easily discard them when the short holiday season is over.

Delight and entice loyal customers, and new ones alike, with your fun, creative, and brand-centric displays. When you do, you will notice that buyers are even more motivated to spend their hard-earned dollars on your products.