Payments Hub 101: Getting paid in Payments Hub.

Ryan Gibbons

Payments Hub, your new merchant portal, is here! In a previous blog post, we looked at the features and functionality, within the Activity section. To give you an even better understanding of the updated portal we’ll look at the Payments section next.

This is where you can find features related to accepting payments online, including your Virtual Terminal, Invoices, and Customer Directory.

Virtual Terminal: Accept payments by manually entering a customer’s credit card information or connecting a Payanywhere Bluetooth Credit Card Reader for a card-present transaction.

Invoices: Manage and monitor your one-time and recurring invoices here. Create email invoices that your customers pay via a secure payments page.

Customer Directory: This is a list of all your customers and their activity. Click on a customer to view and edit their information, see their transactions, ratings, and create a new customer profile if needed.

Payments Hub is just another example of where your input is greatly appreciated. As always, we welcome comments and feedback on the updates we’ve made. Please feel free to reach out to us with your input at We look forward to hearing from you! 

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