Payments Hub is flexing with reporting enhancements

Ryan Gibbons

Payments Hub is boosting insights and productivity with reporting enhancements that make locating and analyzing information easier for you.

More data, improved insights.

The Batches and Deposits pages have been built up with additional details to better assist you with analysis and reconciliation tasks. On top of new Batch Summary columns, the default time range has changed to "This Week" for a more comprehensive view of your recent batch activity.

Paymentshubbatches optimize

Advanced searching.

If you can't locate the transactions you're looking for with the basic search + preset filter options, Advanced Search is here to help. Enter data in the various criteria fields to refine your filtering and find specific transactions.

Payments hub advance searching


No, that's not a code. It's short for first 6, last 4, which is referring to the card number digits that are now displayed in your transaction details and reports. F6L4 can also be entered in the search bar to locate a transaction by card number.

Payments hub f6l4

One-click trip to transactions.

When you're viewing a report and come across a transaction that catches your attention, all you need to do is click on it to view its details and available actions.

Payments hub one click transactions

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