What’s new in Payanywhere 6.0?

Jereme Sanborn

New Year's resolutions are a great way to take inventory over the last year and set goals for the next one. Sometimes that means minor fixes that ultimately lead to bigger improvements down the line. Payanywhere has gotten a little jump on our New Year’s resolution this year, and we’re happy to announce Payanywhere version 6.0 is here! 

As a part of version 6.0, we have added features to our devices and merchant portal that will give you a deeper insight into your business, improve the checkout experience, and set the table for enhanced updates and products to come in 2020.

Print out your closing report right from your device.

If you are one of our Smart Suite Solution merchants that manually close your transactions at the end of the day, you now have the ability to print a Closing Report right from your device. Simply close out your transactions for the day and a dialog box will appear asking if you would like to print your report.

As a reminder, Payanywhere Inside remains a great resource with numerous reports to pull from to gain new insights into your business. Take a look at a detailed rundown of all the reports available to you. 

Hide debit or credit option.

When customers pay with a debit card, we’ve reduced the steps and screens seen during the checkout process to provide a better experience for you and your customers.

Cash discount in the Virtual Terminal.

Payanywhere merchants that are enrolled in the Cash Discount Program are now able to include cash discount fees on Virtual Terminal transactions in Payanywhere Inside. 

Payanywhere funding page.

To make our merchant portal more user-friendly and accessible we’re moving the banking section from under “Account” to its own tab called “Funding.” From here, functionality remains the same - you can edit banking information after answering a few simple security questions.

What’s next?

As Payanywhere version 6.0 caps off the year, it also sets the groundwork for new products and features we have coming soon in 2020:

  • EBT functionality: Coming early 2020.
  • Innovating our hardware: Meet our newest Smart Solution Suite device set to be released early 2020.
  • A redesigned Payanywhere Inside: Take a sneak peek, also coming early 2020. 
  • The Payments Hub app: View your transactions, batches, and deposits right from the convenience of your phone. Coming early 2020!

Payanywhere 6.0 is full of great enhancements that can benefit both you and your customers. What do you think of the latest update to Payanywhere? Please feel free to share your input with us at feedback@payanywhere.com. Or don’t hesitate to contact Customer Support by phone, email, or live chat

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